Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Girls Weekend

This year's second annual girls' weekend was hosted in sunny, yet not quite warm enough, Scottsdale, Arizona. The kids camped on the floor, while sisters, sisters-in-law, and mom took over the kids' wing of the house. We crammed in just about everything a mom wants to do, but never gets a chance to. We shopped for make-up and clothes, ate at trendy restaurants, visited a salon for pedicures, ran races, hiked mountains, and watched movies without a G rating. There was no crying or whining after the third hour at the mall, no arguments over movie choices, no crayons at the restaurant tables, no midnight feedings (except our own), and no crying or screaming out in the night... oh, except the night of Lori's nightmare... and there were no diaper bags... oh wait, wasn't that a diaper bag Ashley was using as a purse? Correction, there was only one diaper bag, but as far as I know no diapers!

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