Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Emme!

Emmry has been talking about her 5th birthday party since September 16th of last year. From the theme to the cake, it was set in her mind just like her wedding is. Her plans were to invite all her friends to our house for a heart birthday party, play heart games, do a heart craft, and have a "ginormous" heart cake from Costco. So as the big day drew closer, I became more and more worried. The games, crafts, and cake I could do, producing the friends was a bit trickier. Thankfully one of the girls from her primary class was available and we invited her over for a heart themed playdate. Emmry has already made contingency plans for next year;s party in case she still only has one friend. Thankfully we have plenty of chocolate cake to spare and share. Maybe we'll make some friends yet!

1 comment:

Erik & Kimberly said...

I remember last year at Emmry's birthday we were all freezing at Squires Castle. This year she is wearing a swimsuit. How your life has changed!