Sunday, September 14, 2008

An Amendment

After the past two days, I feel it necessary to amend my previous post that absolved Chloe of any blame in our current "phase." I wonder, what exactly is the predetermined time limit for a phase? When do you move onto a chapter or a period of life? This phase I've decided has unequivocally crossed over the time limit whatever it is. We are definitely ready to move on. I'm not sure how much longer we can bare the artwork covering the walls, doors, rungs of the cribs, bodies, toys, carpet, blankets and sheets. Today the only solice I have is thinking ahead to the day when I'm able to say, "I hope you have a kid just like you." And today Chloe, I really mean it.

1 comment:

Misty said...

Just wanted to confirm that I was not crazy when I told you it just got harder! Two to three is the toughest, I think. But they are actually alot easier now...almost four. Hang in there, in the moment it seems to last forever, but as Shay and I read your blog, he was asking, "what craziness did we have?" So not only does it pass, but how quickly you forget.