Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to School

Braden has been dreading this day all summer... the day school starts again. It's a big year for him though. He's in sixth grade.

How did I get old enough to have a sixth grader?

I remember sixth grade quite vividly. We played double dutch at recess, I wore my hair in a french braid everyday, and we learned German from a video on TV. I was sitting at my desk watching the launch of the Challenger Space Shuttle when it exploded.

Yet here I am and here he is, certainly getting closer to my 5'8". I do enjoy that we wear the same shoe size now though. When I'm looking for a pair of flip flops I can always find a pair lying around.

Emmry has had no problems moving into 1st grade and I'm realizing how fast the days pass. Braden will be 17 and Emmry 13 when this last one enters kindergarten. So until then I guess I better enjoy them... 1st and 6th grade only happen once!

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