Monday, October 19, 2009

Adendum to Happily Ever After

I spent my morning outside today dreaming and humming to myself, enjoying a typical fairy tale day... only to be interrupted by the voices of my twins.

"Bird in the house! Bird in the house, mama!"

Could it be that it's hanging the wash? No, it is another ordinary bird. How unfortunate!

And now I have another dead bird. What's a girl to do?

Well, is this a modern-day fairy tale or not? Surely I need not wait around for Prince Charming. So I'll scooped up the bird in a dust pan and disposed of it myself. The Prince will have to find someone else to save...

OK, like me tonight at dinner time!


Amanda said...

Oh my word, I love it. I always get so excited when you blog to see what your fairytale has thrown your way!

You should live closer to family. The other day there was a HUGE spider in our basement and my prince was gone too. Lucky for me Prince Dan just lives down the street and he filled in. :)

You are a trooper princess!

Launi Walker said...


Ben and Laurie said...

You guys look like you are having a blast! I'm so happy to see you enjoying it so much. The twins are so big, too. Wow, your family is growing up fast! Good to read about your lives.