Thursday, January 15, 2009

Aren't They Adorable!

Being in public with twins is a very unique experience. People are always stopping me to tell me how adorable they are, ask questions, or share with me a twin experience from their life. While at first enjoyable, I've now learned to block out the whispers and giggles and become as immune as possible to the attention.

So I gave very little thought to the women who were pointing and giggling at the babies at Christmas time as I searched through an entire display of every kind of character underwear the commercial industry has imagined up for a size 5 of anything. I really didn't care if I got princesses or Mickey Mouse, I just needed a size 5. It wasn't until I turned to Emmry to vent my frustration that I became aware of what the finger pointing was actually about. Perhaps yes, it was because they are twins and oh, aren't they adorable. But I think it had more to do with the fact that they were sitting on the floor, naked from the waist down with an opened pair of underwear beside them. Hadley had one leg in, and Chloe was trying to determine which pair was pink enough. One more leg in and a couple inches higher, I would have found myself the owner of a brand new pair of incorrect sized underwear.

If this weren't bad enough, I barely got the underwear packaged up and returned to the display when I found myself in the boy's underwear section with the same problem.

Oh yes, I agree, I think they're adorable. I just think they're much more adorable in their beds asleep!


Amanda said...

This story made me giggle just as much over blog as it did when you told me last month! I wish there were pictures. We can't wait to see you in a week and some!

Summer said...

OH my gosh! How funny! I'm glad you wrote that one down! They ARE adorable, btw!