Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Big Reveal

Today the casts came off. Hadley has been talking about it for a week... I'm sure without a realization that it would ever actually occur. Braden also couldn't wait. The novelty for him wore off the first day when he was sent to the school office to read during recess. As the casts were coming off I feared what fun things we would find inside, but they were relatively content free. Hadley's had just a bit of sand and small rocks from the sand box visits we weren't supposed to make and Braden's held a small round plastic disk. I'm not sure about that one.

Our fame at the orthoped had not diminished in the five weeks we had been away. Our two broken arms still provided us notoriety in the office. Emmry, not wanting to feel slighted of her past fame, was compelled to tell the doctor that she and Chloe broke their arms at the same time last year. Initially I thought our move across country between our sets of broken arms benefited us, but in hindsight I think it makes Ryan and I look more guilty.

In the end, I'm not sure what the cost will be, but I like feel we got a two-for-one with Hadley. It seems that five weeks with a cast on has cured her of her arm sucking habit!

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