Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

This year we decided to stay home for Christmas, our first in Arizona. What with that and a new baby in the house, it could not get much better!

The most unusual present of the day had to be Braden's unicycle from my parents. Who asks for a unicycle for Christmas? And doesn't it come with training wheels?

We did miss cuddling up by the fire and enjoying hot cocoa. But being able to be outdoors enjoying Santa's gifts seemed a fair trade! No one complained about missing out on snowmen and sledding as they donned their shorts and t-shirts. Not one peep about snowballs and snow angels as they climbed atop their new bikes and scooters. In fact, not one complaint about anything until Braden challenged Emmry to a race on their new electric scooters. Perhaps someone should have taught Emme how to stop. I imagine that would have been a much softer landing in snow!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ho, Ho... Hmmm

About a month before Christmas I realized I had not been utilizing the best thing that Santa has to offer... the threat of no presents! The little girls were skeptical. Each time I put his name forward, it was pushed back at me with a practical response.

"Santa can't see me."
"Santa's not here."
"Santa doesn't know what I'm doing."

Time for the big guns!

"You know who I'll have to call?"

Well I was certain they did, but Hadley said no. Chloe had a very good idea though. She looked at me and said,

"Nanny McPhee?"

I started to tell her that no, I had meant Santa Clause, but thought... why not?

"Yes, Nanny McPhee. I'm going to call Nanny McPhee!"

"You don't know her number."

"I looked it up on the internet."

I picked up the phone and heard the familiar pulsing dial tone that signifies there are messages on the line. I dialed my phone number and began retrieving my messages. The girls went crazy. They were in tears and begging me to hang up the phone. I listened to my message with as close to a straight face as possible. By the time I hung up the phone they were like putty in my hands.

I've decided Santa's reign on managing children's behavior is on its way out. It seems he's too happy, fun, and red. And his laugh... well, it's adorable. And come on, he's way too seasonal. Parents can only capitalize on him three months of the year, max. But Nanny McPhee... now she's just plain scary and always accessible!

Thank you Universal Pictures!!!